We’re in an incredibly fast paced and ever changing world where consumer choices are rapidly expanding and customer expectations are constantly increasing. Surprisingly though, how many business owners still need to be convinced that improving customer service and customer experience is essential and can lead to increased customer retention, brand loyalty and more revenue.
On the other side, just a single poor customer experience can easily break customer relationship and have a negative impact on brand reputation and the bottom line, as the voice of the customer has never been louder. That’s why downplaying the importance of customer service and customer experience is no longer an option.
Are you still not taking it all seriously? If you haven’t made outstanding customer service a top priority at your company yet, these 20 shocking stats and facts will make you think twice:

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Well researched work attestable to market experience. Keep it up.
Thanks Philip!
Nicely done! Customer service 101 in an infographic.
Thank you Frank!
Interesting infographics Mary Shulzenko, here are some more
91% & Customer Service Fact# 1
91% of American customers take customer service quality into consideration before deciding to do business with any brand, company (1).
Excellent Customer Service Fact# 2
Almost 70% American customers/consumers are willing to spent more (13%) with brands, businesses that provides excellent customer service (2).
51% American Consumers Switched Fact# 3
51% of U.S. consumers switched service providers in the past year due to poor customer service experiences (3).
For more your readers may like to read 21 Surprising Facts About American Consumers
Thanks, those statistics are impressive!
very true!
Very helpful to make my Marketing Project. Thanks!
My pleasure, glad it was helpful!
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