To connect with new customers don’t try to get inside their heads. Get inside their hearts. Create an emotional connection. – Bill Quiseng
Some of the world’s most successful business leaders know that attracting customers and winning their loyalty isn’t merely about the product or service. It’s more about offering an experience that creates an emotional connection between the customer and the brand. In fact, the Temkin Group found that while all three components of customer experience – success, effort, and emotion – have a strong effect on loyalty, emotion turns out to be the most important element.
When companies connect with customers’ emotions, the payoff can be huge. According to the Harvard Business Review, consumers who are emotionally connected with a brand are anywhere from 25% to 100% more valuable in terms of revenue and profitability than those who are “merely” highly satisfied with it.
Is your brand evoking the right emotions from customers?
Forrester Research revealed that customers are nearly 5 times more loyal when they feel valued than when they feel annoyed. In their study “How to Measure Emotion in Customer Experience” Forrester also found that disgust, anger, and a sense of neglect have the strongest negative impact on customers’ relationship with a brand.
One of the most effective ways to build consumers’ emotional connections with your brand is through offering consistently positive customer service experiences. The infographic below explores the impact of emotions on customer loyalty and provides some tips on how to create a better customer service experience by catering to customers’ emotions. Enjoy!

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