Many businesses lose their past clients to their competitors because they fail to keep in touch with them. Sure, automated company greeting cards are nice, but they do not exactly show your devotion or have much of an impact on the client.
Past clients are useful assets and can come in handy for a repeat business. There are only so many new customers that you can bring in your business, and hence past clients matter a lot to your bottom-line. Everybody knows how hard it is to please a new client vs. an old one so you might as well try remaining a little bit friendly with them for the sake of your business. This will not only enhance your reputation among other clients but will also help you generate more customers as past clients have a way of recommending brands and businesses to the people they know.
Here’s how you can keep in touch with people and companies that once did business with you:
Give them a Call
Texts and emails are effective but calls add a more personal touch to your relationships, professional or otherwise. Give them a call on their birthday or on other special occasions. Always show interest in whatever they are saying and be sure to sound chirpy and upbeat. Be sure to make a note of all the significant events in their lives like their wedding or work anniversary etc. so you can give them a call.
Connect on Social Media
Social media websites such as Facebook are great for keeping in touch with all sorts of people. Not only will it keep you up to date with your past client’s life but you will no longer have to worry about remembering their birthdays. Facebook allows people to interact with others without being too nosy, just by commenting on a new photo or a certain life event, you can have your presence felt and maintain a friendly relationship with your past client.
Send a Unique Gift
Depending on the nature of your business, you can drop by and pay them a visit every once in a while. Never go empty handed, always bring them something whether it’s just chocolates. Try to be unique and give them something that will make them laugh, attach a funny note or send them a hilarious card. Try to be memorable. It will be worth it when they want to do business with you again. But of course, always maintain professionalism.
Send them a Card
Automated greetings and e-cards are convenient but don’t make much of an impact. Nowadays one doesn’t expect something in the mail, so even sending a birthday card for your past client’s birthday can have a significant effect. It does not have to be a very expensive card, you can just be creative. It is the thought that counts so make the effort and they are sure to be grateful to you for it.
Offer them Guidance Whenever They Need It
Be sure to offer them any sort of help if they need it. If they call you personally for consultation, don’t hesitate to help them out. Show your concern. They will be sure to remember you and will do the same.
Keep them on your Guest List
Finally, if you ever decide to host a company event, be sure to invite them. Establishing a friendly relationship outside work will help you develop a personal connection with your past client.
In this complex business atmosphere where businesses are bombarding customers with aggressive advertising, it pays to get in touch with your past clients and boost your repeat clientele.
This article was contributed by Monique Rivers. Monique Rivers is keen on blogging and online marketing. She works at Ninefold, which offers high performance virtual servers and cloud hosting. Find her on Twitter.
Hi,very inspired and interested…thanks
Hello, this is a very interesting & thought provoking article.
Agree most of the time there is too focus is on acquiring new customers.
Thank you for your comment, Nigel. You are right, there is too much focus on acquiring new customers while past customers are forgotten.
I like the article. I’ve realized that it’s very important to keep in touch with past clients. Something hugely beneficial, as mentioned in your article, is the referral business that you can get from satisfied customers. It never hurts to ask for referrals.
These days keeping customers close and having them as friends and fundamental to the sustenance of our business, marketing gurus speak little about it. This valuable information makes the difference between a sustainable business and failure. Thanks! For giving important information like this article.