Surprise! Out-of-the-box benefits of using Live Chat on your web-site

575302_474339449288440_1255912697_nDid you know that along with the Live Chat tool you also get a  handful of powerful features which help make your website more successful and save your advertising budget? Today we’ll unearth some untapped gems of the Provide Support Live Chat software to you.

Live Chat Helps Optimize Your Website Content

It’s no secret that in today’s business climate a current website with interesting and engaging content that appeals to visitors is essential. Why content is so important?  No need to say, it still reigns as the king in the world of Search Engine Optimization. It’s critical if you want your website to generate a steady stream of traffic.

How do you get that good old optimized content? We would like to suggest an unusual solution. Listen to your visitors in chat and improve your website! The inquiries your operators have to deal with in Live Chat will help you better understand which pages and information are difficult to find as well as determine the information which is missing. You can also use your prospective customers’ concerns and doubts to re-write and update the website content.

How is The Quality of Traffic? Keep Close Tabs

If you get too many web surfers just killing time in Live Chat, it might point to low quality traffic to your site that doesn’t convert.  Most likely you need to reconsider the traffic sources and take measures. If an advertising or banner network brings loads of untargeted visitors who care nothing about the products that you are selling, you’d better stop working with the network, or just consider blacklisting the sites bringing you this low-quality traffic. We also would suggest that you keep a careful eye on the quality of the ad or banner itself. Yet still, high CTR does not speak  all the time for the ad effectiveness for your business and high conversion rate.

Acid Test for New Ad Networks

You can also gauge the quality of traffic with the Real-Time Monitoring feature. When you start working with a new ad network, remember that figures can be deceiving. To assure an advertiser quality and control, pay attention to the data available on the Visitors tab of the Operator Console. For instance, if website visitors appear to leave within the first 10 seconds (high bounce rate), or enter and leave after making 20-30 clicks in a matter of seconds, most probably, these are not human visitors. Why should you spend your budget on advertising of this sort?


Adjust and Refine Your Ads

Furthermore, the Real-Time monitoring feature provides you information on keywords in a separate column of the Visitors tab of the console. It tells you what people are interested in and what is the exact word or phrase they type in the search field. Not only this data might be useful to better understand their needs and expectations in order to fast and efficiently assist them in chat. It also can shed light on relevance of your PPC campaigns.

Take for example the broad match search query challenge, when it matches your ad text to related but not relevant keywords and phrases. Using information on keywords available with the Real-Time Monitoring you would be able to detect the problem straight away and refine or adjust the ad wording just in time.

Aren’t You Sold Yet?

In aggregate, implementing Provide Support Live Chat software can give your website a competitive advantage. The numerous out-of-box benefits that come with the Live Help software let you arrive at conclusions about your ad campaigns effectiveness and traffic quality just on-the-fly, with no need to wait for next scheduled conversion check run or analytics database update.

The intuitive  and easy-to-use  Live Chat software would also help you save your advertising budget and make impact on your professional and financial success. Just give it a try and see how the attraction of new visitors through optimized search campaigns would bring a rapid return on investment, making a Live Chat support an extremely efficient and cost-effective tool for your business.

Julia Lewis