What’s new in Provide Support?

We are glad to announce our latest system updates which will facilitate your account management and will let easily integrate our system with Flash websites.

1. From now on you can reorder your operators and departments in the way you need. Previously, this could be achieved only by recreating operators and departments in the needed order. This was inconvenient and time consuming for the accounts with many departments and operator profiles.

How to reorder Operator profiles and Departments
How to reorder Operator profiles and Departments

2. Another minor update for ‘Operators and Departments‘ section – a possibility to assign operators to departments while creating a new department. It used to be very inconvenient to update each operator profile when creating a new department as all operator profiles were assigned automatically to it. Now you just need to put checkmarks in front of those operators you’d like to assign

How to assign operators to a department
How to assign operators to a department

3. Canned responses reordering is now also possible. From now on  your can rearrange them with help of arrows, they will appear to your agents in the order you have sorted them. This will facilitate your workflow and will allow creating responses fast and without a necessity to insert additional values to comply with filtering rules.

canned responses reordering
How to reorder canned responses

Canned responses will be displayed in the web based console in the order they have been created. For having them displayed this way in the stand-alone console, please download the latest version from our website.

4. Chat Button Code for Flash Websites. Integration of the Live Chat software with Flash based websites has always been a tough task. We have added special Chat Button Code for Flash Websites for ActionsScript2 and ActionScript3 to make this task easier.

Chat Button Code for Flash Websites
Chat Button Code for Flash Websites

We hope that our new updates will streamline your workflow and help you to manage your account fast and easily. Features suggestions are always welcomed!
