Why Your Company’s Customer Service Culture Matters (Infographic)

People who work in your company create the atmosphere your customers feel when they interact with your team. Well trained and friendly employees will always provide high quality customer service, but how to achieve this? The task of creating a customer focused culture is not as easy as it seems to be. There are always a lot of obstacles which prevent your customer service from being perfect. However, if you develop the right strategy and follow it, you will succeed.

In this blog post I would like to offer an infographic which provides not only useful recommendations but also valuable lessons from customer service stars. These companies have been providing the best customer service for years and they are famous not only for their services and products but also for their customer service culture.

Shep Hyken says: “Customer service must be deeply rooted in Company’s culture”. The secret to delivering great customer service starts with your company culture – the way you treat your employees and organize your business workflow. Take a closer look at the infographic below and you will see where you need to improve.

Customer Service Culture

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From: <a href="https://www.providesupport.com/">www.providesupport.com</a>



Provide Support is a leading customer service software provider, offering live chat and real-time visitor monitoring tool for businesses: www.ProvideSupport.com




  1. The information presented here is all on the mark. The one that rings most true to me is the #2 recommendation from Zappos that service excellence requires a commitment from the top. I believe that if that’s not present, doing many of the other right things will still fall short. And having that commitment (openly demonstrated to the rest of the organization) will overcome a lot of misses elsewhere. I’ve seen so many situations where responsibility for serving the customer is delegated and I believe that’s why so many companies have a hard time truly excelling, even when they’re doing a lot of the right things.

    1. Thank you for your comment, Joanne. You are right, if a top manager does not want or cannot serve any customer well, employees will not strive to do their best as well.

  2. Your post is amazing.

    Really simple and elegant.

    Disney’s example is the best, and I love the part where you said that you need to create the right learning environment. That can be such an under-rated thing in a company’s culture.

    Thanks for this post!

  3. Absolutely Spot on! A Superior Service Culture must be intentionally designed, developed and sustained over time. A proven architecture of service education, leadership, momentum and support can be applied to successfully engineer a Superior Service Culture throughout an organization ( https://goo.gl/hx8Txr ). Zappos leads by example with their hiring initiatives of sustaining and strengthening their service culture. A service culture is built with support of people. Each employee makes a commitment to provide superior service and upholds this commitment with corresponding actions.

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