Chats Reporting

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Chats Reporting

Features Overview


Chat reporting offers the following features:


Stats interface features


oFlexible reporting period

oData grid view

Tables sorting

oTimeline view

Graphics zooming: vertical, horizontal, for both axis

Storing timeline view settings


Chat Metrics


Visitor-initiated chats data:

oStart chat form loads: how many times the pre-chat form was loaded

oVisitor-initiated chats: the number of initiated chats by a visitor

oStart chat form click through rate: the ratio of actually initiated chats and Start Chat form loads

oAccepted chats: the total number of accepted chats

oMissed chats: the number of missed chats

oChat acceptance rate: the ratio of accepted and initiated chats



oAverage incoming chats / day: the total chats in the selected reporting period divided by the total number of days in the reported period

oAverage incoming chats / hour: the total chats in the selected reporting period divided by the total number of hours in the reported period

oAverage accepted chats / day: the total accepted chats in the selected reporting period divided by the total number of days in the reported period

oAverage accepted chats / hour: the total accepted chats in the selected reporting period divided by the total number of hours in the reported period

oAverage chat accept time: the total duration between the moment the chats have been initiated and accepted divided by the total number of chats in the reporting period

oAverage agents reply time: the total duration between the moment the chat messages have been sent by a visitor and responded by an agent divided by the total number of agents' messages in the reporting period

oAverage visitors reply time: the total duration between the moment the chat messages have been sent by an agent and responded by a visitor divided by the total number of visitors' messages in the reporting period

oAverage chat duration: the total duration between the beginning and the end of the chat divided by the total number of chats in the reporting period

oAverage messages in chat: the total number of messages sent in chat divided by the total number of chats in the reporting period



Proactive chats

oSent chat invitations: the number sent chat invitations

oAccepted chat invitations: the number of accepted by visitors chats

oDeclined chat invitations: the number of declined chats

oProactive chats acceptance rate: the ratio of sent and accepted by visitors chats


Chat status


oChat online time: how long the account remained online within selected time period

oChat offline time: how long the account remained offline within selected time period


Offline messages


oLeave a message form loads: the number of times the offline form was loaded

oSent offline messages: the number of offline messages sent through the offline form

oLeave a Message form click through rate: the ratio of offline form loads and the number of sent offline messages


Operator metrics


oTotal conducted chats: the number of chats conducted during selected time period

oAccepted chats: the total number of chats accepted by an operator

oMissed chats: the total number of unanswered chats

oAcceptance rate:

to all chats distribution: the ratio of accepted chats by an operator and total account incoming chats

round robin or random chats distribution: the ratio of accepted chats and incoming operator's chats (assigned chats)

oLoad rate (is available only for round robin and random chats distribution): the ration of all chats in the account and chats accepted by an operator

oOperator online time: how long an operator remained online during selected time period

oOperator offline time: how long an operator remained offline during selected time period

oOperator away time: how long an operator remained away during selected time period

oPost chat survey metrics - by default these metrics are set as "Proficiency" and "Politeness". However, they can differ is you use your custom post chat survey.


Department metrics


If departments selection is not required, in this case all metrics for chats which were not assigned to any department will be listed in the  ~ field.

o Chat calls: total chat requests per department

oAccepted chat: total accepted chats per department

oMissed chats: total missed chats per department

oAcceptance rate: the ratio of chats accepted within a department

oLoad rate: the ratio of chats accepted within a department and all chats in the account

oAverage chat accept time: the ratio of the total time the chats have been initiated and accepted by agents assigned to a department divided by the total number of chats in the department

oOnline time: how long the whole department remained online during selected time period

oOffline time: how long the whole department remained offline during selected time period



Data export and traffic reporting


Data export to CSV

Website traffic stats

othe list of opened page URLs

onumber of page views is displayed for each page

Chat referrer

o page URLs where the chat button was clicked

othe number of pre-chat form loads for the page